Before the Sugar Bowl, where LSU showed the Notre Dame Flailing Irish why the SEC is the most challenging and competitive NCAA conference in the nation, I met one of New Orleans' finest football heros. The one, the only.....drum roll, please.....the "Cajun Canon," Bobby Hebert.
Bobby Hebert was one of the most loved and successful Saints players in Saints history. He wore #3, and may be remembered for the Seinfeld episode where George had a "what is it with..." moment regarding Bobby's last name. Great success.
Anyhow, I met Bobby at the Sugar Bowl at a tailgate near the Superdome. I ended up walking up to the Dome with Bobby, and the other guys in our party (big ups to my wife's uncle and father, for hooking me up with tickets and the chance to meet the Canon). He was nice enough to take time out of his busy "meet-n-greet" with the LSU and Saints fans alike that day. Believe me, when a local Saint celebrity ventures into public, he gets baraged by many, many people. But, as we walked up the ramps to our gate, Bobby and I shared some football banter. I wish I'd remembered what I told him or what he told me, but some assclown named Jack Daniels caused my brain to fart.
My brother-in-law and I took our seats in the plaza level of the Superdome, next to this very nice, but very rich, high school couple. The chick was really cute, and the guy was nice...but that's neither here nor there. Good times. Moving right along, as the half came upon us, we decided to find our other folks, who were in the WWL 870 suite. We snuck by the "guard" and found our way into the suite. Low and behold, who is waiting for more of my nonsensical blurbing about football? No, not Rachel McAdams or Claire Danes, but Bobby Hebert. Hey, the chubby was just the same. Anyhow, Bobby, myself, and my brother-in-law talked football for the entire second half of LSU's drumming of Notre Dame.
Oh,'re gonna love this. There was a second encounter with Bobby Hebert at Michaul's (by the way, if you get the chance, go there! It's near downtown in New Orleans) during the NFC Championship...and, he actually remembered me. I was giddy...I must admit. Anyhow, Bobby seemed to think that "I know my football" and he really "enjoyed talking to those two kids at the Sugar Bowl." Wow...I was one of those two kids. Plus, he saw my wife and said "you did good." Nice...Bobby thinks the little lady is hot. But, it was his reaction to seeing me--it was like he remembered me or something. Very nice!
To make this long story short (see, I made you read the whole story before you got the Cliff Notes), meeting Bobby Hebert was a highlight of my life. He's a very nice person, and he was a great player for the Saints. I tend to block out the whole Atlanta Falcons part of his career, because that really didn't happen. Just like Morten Anderson never was a Falcon. Nope, never happened--Satanic Fowl assholes.
Bobby has a radio show on WWL 870 AM, and it comes on Monday through Friday at 4:00 pm. Catch it, if you can. He calls people out and tells them he'll "kick your ass." You gotta like that. Thanks for the great memories, Bobby--who never was a Falcon.