Anyway, I have some actual work to do at work today, so a new, relevant, deep thought post may be up tonight or sometime tomorrow. So, for now, enjoy your Hump Day blues and just remember...tomorrow is Thursday, which is a day before Friday. Yay?
Congratulations to the Colorado Rockies for owning the MLB playoffs and winning 21 of their last 22 games. Eat it, ESPN. It looks like the Indians are going to beat the BoSox to be the AL's representative in the World Series. What's sad is that two very solid baseball teams will be in the dance come the end of October, but no one will watch because neither coast will be represented. Boo frickety hoo, you self-absorbed a-holes. The "flyover" states can play, too.
Stay tuned, because I'll be posting a "pick 'em" style for the upcoming NFL slate for this weekend, and you won't want to miss it. Or, you might...but, if you do, you're a douche balloon. Happy Boss' Day to all of you...what greater way to celebrate my boss by posting on my blog during business hours? Sue me. Enjoy your day, kids.
Just checking in to see if you have anything to say about the Cubs or dick cancer.
Hopefully, there will be no dick cancer news. You know what they say, no dick cancer news is good news.
Anyway, the Cubs...well, we'll see how I feel. Right now, the Saints are mounting a fierce comeback.
P.S., I hate you Boston.
This plane is flying high and far to heights unknown and gnar!
Thanks, Boc. Glad to see you're still alive and...um, well?
Well, I think I'm alive, but why "still" well? Was I ever well...? In your proffesional opinion.
Jesus, next time make that Saints logo a little bigger. I can hardly see that shit!
I thought all my Chicago readers would really appreciate it. You're welcome.
I never got that symbol... Is your team sponsored by Boy Scouts?
what the hell? have you been hit by a bus?
Me? If I have I probably won't have remembered.
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